

Nephrology is a specialty of medicine and pediatrics that concerns itself with the kidneys: the study of normal kidney function and kidney disease, the preservation of kidney health, and the treatment of kidney disease, from diet and medication to renal replacement therapy.

Nephrology also studies systemic conditions that affect the kidneys, such as diabetes and autoimmune disease; and systemic diseases that occur as a result of kidney disease, such as renal osteodystrophy and hypertension. A physician who has undertaken additional training and become certified in nephrology is called a nephrologist.

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Stop smoking, maintain a healthy weight, and exercise. Talk to your doctor about ways to adjust your diet. Other important aspects of kidney therapy are careful regulation of blood pressure if you have hypertension, and tight control of your blood sugar if you are diabetic.

Phosphate binders are prescribed to patients that need additional help controlling phosphorus. Taken with every meal, these medications prevent the body from absorbing the phosphorus in food.